Sport at Hernhill


We know that Physical Education plays an important role in helping children to live an active and healthy lifestyle. We recognise that Physical Education and sport plays a crucial role in the development of every pupil and has the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

Through PE and Sport our children learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude and academic achievement

A wide range of PE is delivered to the pupils throughout the school, which aims to engage and inspire all pupils. Sports taught are wide and varied, both during the school day, and as extra-curricular clubs. Opportunities include Gymnastics, boxing, hockey, running, basketball, cricket and football.

As well as regular PE lessons, we also provide team competitions both intra- and inter-school. We enter many and varied competitions such as football, basketball, tag rugby, cricket, Wake Up and Shake Up competitions and Key Steps Gymnastics.

Our Sporting Achievements

Below you will find reports on all things sporty including tournaments and matches that we have attended, as well as other inter and intra school competitions.

We have achieved the School Games Platinum award for the past five years!

We achieved the Sports Partnership SCHOOL OF THE YEAR 2017 award. 


 Enjoy and celebrate our children's efforts and achievements!

Results for the year 2022-23

Results for the year 2021-22

Results for the year 2020-21

Results for the year 2019-20

Results for the year 2018-19

  Results for the year 2017-18

 Results for the year 2016/17


We have also achieved the "Daily Mile Children Fit for Life" award.