June 2024 news

June has been a busy month at Hernhill!

The month started with Year 4 camping on the school field overnight. The children were supported by Creed Outdoor Learning to put up their own tents for the night. They then took part in archery and blind-line activities, before having a jacket potato supper on the playground! Having talked about the plight of the homeless in collective worship with Revd Cathrine earlier in the term, the children decided to use the camp to support the homeless charity Porchlight. They got themselves sponsored by family and friends. And they raised an incredible £610 for the Kent charity! Well done to them.

Later on in the month, our Year 6 class went off for their week-long residential at Kingswood in Ashford. They attempted a huge range of outdoor activities including abseiling, 3G swing, buggy building, laser tag, orienteering and bushcraft shelter building. They had an amazing time, all attempting the activities with bravery, determination and resilience. They also conducted themselves impeccably demonstrating Our People Rule (treat others as you wish to be treated). We are very proud of the wonderful children that they are and wish them all the best as they move onto their secondary schools over the summer.

June finished in glorious sunshine with our sports day. A morning of varied sporting activities was followed by sprint and relay races in the afternoon. Unfortunately the heat put paid to the long distance races. Congratulations to Team Berners-Lee (green) for winning the sports day trophy. However, almost everyone stayed on after sports day to participate in the PTAFA's Colour Run for the second year running. We had an incredible 368 children, parents, staff and families running the race around both the school and village playing fields while also enjoying being covered in coloured powder paints!! Watch this space for the photos. The whole day was a sporty, joyful and colourific day!

And finally, a date for your diaries - our September fete will be held on Saturday 14th September, we hope to see you there.