Parents, Teachers and Friends Association


The school has an active and motivated Parent, Teacher and Friend Association (PTAFA) that works to raise money throughout the year.  All parents are members of this group and have a stake in the work we do, while you have children in the school.  There is an elected board of 9 members who organise and oversee events and we are elected at the Annual General Meeting.  We work with the school to ensure all monies raised are put to the best possible use.

 AGM minutes - July 2023

AGM minutes - July 2024

 What We Do

The PTAFA raises money throughout the year which is used to help enrich and improve the school buildings, equipment and experience for all our children.  Thanks to our hugely supportive staff, parents and friends we raised over £12,000 in the past year!  Some of that money is used to fund regular donations like the £300 given to each class teacher to be used as they choose or a £1000 for coaches to take the children to the annual pantomime.  We also make larger purchases like a £3000 donation towards the tablet computers, £2,300 for wooden benches and tables in the playground as well as the purchase of school hoodies, sport’s tops and new library books.  Our fundraising targets are guided by the school, student council and parent suggestions.

We also aim to organise events for the children to enhance their all-round school experience.  These include Easter eggs, gifts from Father Christmas as well as leavers’ gifts and party, Junior discos and an Infant magic shows and film night. 

We help out at school events, providing refreshments at charity fundraisers, sport’s day, education Sunday and organise donations for Phil-the-Bag.  Our annual fete is our biggest fundraiser in the year.

Our online PTAFA shop


The PTAFA has an online shop where you can order stationery for your child or some pieces of pre-loved uniform.


Annual Events

We are a registered charity and spread our fundraisers across the year to ensure we can give as much as possible to the school. 

This year our September fete was a success despite the inclement weather and raised over £2,700.00. 

The Christmas Shop is the chance for the children to buy gifts and have them labelled and wrapped by parent volunteers.  We defy anyone to not feel festive after this!  The Christmas hampers are also a great way to raise funds to allow us to buy a gift for all the children for Father Christmas to give to them.

The New Year sees  discos and film nights for the children, Easter celebrations and our Sports Day refreshments which are supplemented by the legendary BBQ! 

Along with Phil-the-Bag, coffee mornings and after school cake sales we have a busy year ahead and would love as much help as possible.

The Committee 2024-25

Charlotte Appleton & Eleanor Harrison


Morgan Fenning


Nicola Sunley


Sarah Alexander &Jennie Guylee

School Representatives

Tara Castle, Hayley Gentry, Hannah Selway-Taylor,  

Tara West, Sam Gardener and Jenny Krywoszej

Ordinary Members

There are also parents who regularly attend PTAFA committee meetings as all members are welcome.  Details of meetings will be advertised in the school, on the website and on Facebook. 


Contact Us

Our email address is: ptafa at

To join our closed Facebook group, search for Hernhill C of E Primary school PTAFA and send us a request.


Want to be involved?

You can be an active member of the PTAFA without being on the committee, even if you aren’t generally available during the school day.  There are lots of ways to help, either as a representative of your child’s year, at specific events or with ideas and input.  Please contact us using our email address ptafa at or by joining our Facebook group and leaving us ideas and thoughts.